Paisaje de arcilla
de Alejandro Aguilar

Elemento 533 (Element 533)

En español

Sería un magnífico alumno si se comportara normalmente. Tiene inteligencia promedio, pero sus padres se empecinan en que sea el mejor entre todos. El suple sus carencias con el más celoso ejercicio de la adulación a los jefes y el desprecio a sus semejantes. Al cabo de cuatro años figura entre los primeros expedientes. Tiene además el récord de atentados pueriles y palizas recibidas entre los mil quinientos enemigos que ha cultivado.

In English (trans. by Andrew Hurley)

He would be a wonderful student if he behaved normaly. He has average intelligence, but his parents insist that he be the best in everything. He makes up for his shortcomings by constantly buttering up the officers and putting down his classmates. At the end of his four years, his record is one of the best. But on his record there are also reports of puerile attempts on his life and beatings received from the fifteen hundred enemies he has so scrupulously cultivated.