Paisaje de arcilla
de Alejandro Aguilar

Elemento 622 (Element 622)

En español

Cada tarde se oculta entre las yerbas altas y lee página por página la sección de artes y letras del Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado. Su tesoro y escape. Escribe e ilustra ingenuas novelas sobre melenudos que viven de espaldas al mundo. Peace and Love. Los amigos requieren su ayuda para escribir tarjetas de amor y tarlar en jabones, libros abiertos con dedicatorias por el Día de las Madres. Luego del FIN de la escuela, es un remedo de hippie tropical, que brigadas de civil trasquifan con violencia en plena calle. Por esos días estudia artes plásticas y teatro. Veinte años después, de vuelta al ajetreo diario de la creación, entre cuentos y poemas, lo asalta esta historia de recuerdos. Entonces escribe.

In English (trans. by Andrew Hurley)

Every afternoon he sneaks off and lies in the tall weeds and reads, column by column, page by page, the section on arts and letters in his little one­-volume Larousse dictionary-encyclopedia. His treasure and his escape. He writes and illustrates naive novels about long-haired men who live their own lives, regardless of what the world thinks, regardless of the demands the world makes on them. "Peace and love." His friends ask him for help in writing love letters and carving bars of soap, "putting something" on the flyleaves of books for Mother's Day. After "the end" is written at the school, he becomes a kind of tropical hippie, and brigades of civilians set upon him in the middle of the street. That was the period he studied art and drama. Twenty years later, immersed in the daily grind of creation, short stories and poems, he is assaulted by these memories. And so he writes...